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Old 01-06-2003, 10:23 AM   #6
ARiA should edit this
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Originally posted by Magnus3x
I've noticed the same on various boards and this is my take:

1. A board is a board is a board...unless a threat is made to my face I could fucking care less.

2. If it's a legal issue.. I want "papers" served with a stamp not an e-mail!

3. You never know who you are dealing with and that works both ways..if you're the pisser or the pissee.

4. Everyone is pretty tough, brave and witty in front of the screen.. for some reason face to face meetings are never the same.

Peace FROG!
let that guy vent, rant and rave all he wants.. but no need to fuel his fire.
whatever it may be- let it be.
you are way too cool and good of a person to let that guy bring you to his ridiculous level... MAN I dont miss being in highschool!!!
"I'm gonna kick your ass when we get off the schoolbus... really"

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