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Old 07-29-2009, 10:53 PM   #3
Virgule3 is in love!
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Originally Posted by Evil Chris View Post
Your site's design is *very amateur in nature. I mean, there's amateur, and then there's amateur. You really should fix it up a little bit. Alignment, color choices, etc.. Maybe even polish up those thumbs a little bit.

Your content appears to be your strong point which is maybe the most important thing. I haven't seen the inside of your member's area but at a glance I'd assume the pictures and video are of a decent quality.

One other thing.... If you are from France, and your models are French... why not just do the entire site in French?
I agree woth Chris...

But as for the French language, I wonder... Angeliquexxx and I thought about the idea of translating her site to French as well as keeping the English version but the idea kinda "died in the egg" (the French speaking people will understand my expression! héhé) We never got around to it.

I was wondering how much potential customers there are in French speaking countries? See, the thing is, in Europe, sexuality is seen in a whole different way whereas in the states, it is still a big taboo so people become members of sites in secret... And it gives them a big "added value" for a lack of a better expression.

Am I making any sense at all? lol

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