That truly depends if the hot woman actually see's herself as hot. I've know some stunning beauties that always seem to find fault in themselves and go out with idiot men either for self worth and get bullied by the man or the other type who know their are hot and use it to their advantage. In today's world a hot woman can go further in any industry, but also it comes with a price as those around her either assume she got the job based on her looks or that she's a bitch simply because of her beauty.
There are always two sides of the sword. Key is finding a woman who knows she's hot but see's it only as limited by time and focuses on her personality and mind because like all else, her looks will be gone and what is left?
Few women I know have that ability to balance their beauty with their mind along with empathy and common sense in the men they talk too and date.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say;
fools, because they have to say something." - Plato