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Old 08-03-2009, 10:44 AM   #6
TheLegacy is Bi - Sexy
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Originally Posted by lace View Post
Run....run for your life!

Keep yourself away from the drama and you'll live a much better life. Plain and simple. They (him and his ex) both sound like they have a few screws loose. He should be fighting for his kid, regardless of how crazy she is so that he can have custody. And if they've been split up for a year and a half already, wtf is he waiting for?
I do understand how you feel, but guys in that situation usually don't realize the necessity of getting custody full or in part for emergency situations. I have over the year had much experience with guys who truly are in shock or are abused - their first thought either isn't to fight for their rights or they simply don't know where to go for help since the system isn't set up to help men.

Men who are in this shock could not imagine that a woman could think to take the kids away or hurt them psychologically against their father. One man I know who had a similar situation faced his ex's mother showing up and suddenly they were planning the trip back overseas where he wouldn't see his daughter again. After speaking to him and giving him the tools to go to family court and the right assistance for dad's, he managed to stop her attempts to walk out of the country. The border will be flagged in that the kids are not allowed out without both signatures and also if they did flee - the police now have the court/law telling them to start pursuing the woman and child in order to bring them back.

Yes it is a great deal to overcome and handle as a 3rd party who happens to be dating someone with this situation, but from experience - having a friend or relationship with someone who is supportive gives a great deal of strength. True both parties are at fault in one way or another - but this is Virgule3's decision and I am sure she knows his personality better.

Good luck but please seek legal aid - family lawyer - custody orders and duty counsel, anyone who can give good advice in the state/province you're in.

Skype: robjameswarren

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