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Old 08-03-2009, 10:59 PM   #13
Virgule3 is in love!
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Originally Posted by the New Shemp View Post
no, its got nothing to do with Algeria, its about him still living with his wife in separate bedrooms...
plus why do you have to "almost hide" when you are together..?

its just plain weird to me...
Well, I lived, as roommates, with an ex for a whole year before he met someone and moved out. We were great friends, and the situation both suited us at that time so I believe it is possible to remain friends with an ex and have absolutely nothing happen other than a great friendship.

And we don't "hide hide", but if we are "out in public" it's okay, we can kiss, hold hands, etc, but we have to be careful if we run across a friend of hers because if she finds out about me, she'll kick him out and forbid him to see his son. That's what he's the most afraid of.

She, technically, has no right to do so, but she is crazy, manipulative, how do you say "dependante affective" in English? etc... Anyway, you get the picture.

We aren't officially a couple yet anyway, he has made no promises other than making efforts to come and see me when he gets a break off work (he works crazy hours and lives more than an hour away so it isn't easy) and we plan on going to my cottage soon, going to Montréal to visit my family, etc... So we'll see what the future brings.
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