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Old 08-11-2009, 10:56 PM   #1
JFK should edit this
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Thumbs up Internext Miami 09 - pics from FUBAR

Love the florida Internext show. It's an all time favorite mainly because I just love fla period.
As things re-adjust in the adult marketplace, we are seeing less and less people attending the events.
This show was no exception, BUT as I have stated many a time before it's what you make of a show.
Work with the people who are there, not the ones you wish were there.

So the #'s of attendees are down, well so are the all the hangers on. People who come are there to do business.
We as an industry need to re-evaluate how we do these conventions. We have a lot to learn from mainstream.
I am attending a show in San Jose right now, 2500-3k in attendees. Recession, WHAT recession???

What has worked in the past is history, we need to innovate and take notes as to what people want to attend the show.
Anyways, we have a few pics from the show that we done a fair amount of business at. Check it out !
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