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Old 08-19-2009, 12:25 PM   #1
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Default Webmaster Wednesday Line up Aug. 19, 2009

SiN2.0 Adult Webmaster Podcast
“Q” Boyer – Why Mobile Porn, Why Now?
3:00 PM EST. 12:00 PM PST.
Yeah yeah yeah… we’ve heard it for sometime now that mobile porn is now; mobile porn is here. But for some reason this foretelling has yet to seemingly materialize into existence. Or has it?
Tune in now!

Adult Marketing Talk
Special Guest Evan Rothfarb on Adult Marketing Talk
5:00 PM EST. 2:00 PM PST.
This week on Adult Marketing Talk, host Bruce Friedman will have an interview with attorney Evan Rothfarb, tips on how to improve your marketing and some examples of baaad marketing. That’s this Wednesday on Adult Marketing Talk, 5 pm eastern and 2 pacific with a rebroadcast Saturday at 10:30 am eastern and 7:30 pacific, only on Webmaster Wednesday here on Radio Dentata.
Tune in now!

Legal Eagle:
Angelina Spencer, ACE National
4:00 PM EST. 1:00 PM PST.
Angelina Spencer, ACE National Executive Director explains the who, what, where and when of ACE National, the trade association of America’s adult nightclubs. She also tells Eric why it’s so important for webmasters to band together and join a trade association. Ms. Spencer talks to listeners about real legal stories from states that thought they were safe from the assorted family protection groups, also making the case that adult is adult and it all needs to be protected.
Tune in now!

Inside the Adult Industy:
6:00 PM EST. 3:00 PM PST.
Kelly Shibari on Marketing Adult Sites
Kelly Shibari joins Shane today to talk about Internext, Social Media and marketing adult sites. Kelly opens up about the best way to utilize the social media sites to your advantage as well as some intro information about SEO.
Tune in now!

Body Piercing Authority Elayne Angel
7:00 PM est/4:00 PM est
12:00 AM est/9:00 PM pst
Darklady and award-winning body piercing authority Elayne Angel indulge in a pointed discussion of her new book, “The Piercing Bible.” A pioneer in the art and science of body piercing, Angel has more than 40,000 pokes of experience and strong opinions about what prospective piercees should seek in their body art professionals and how likely they are to find it.
Tune in now!

Sensual SEO
Internext, Teaching and being an Informed Consumer
9:00 PM EST. 6:00 PM PST.
Lisa and Ralph discuss some InterNEXT post convention and shares some of Lisa’s experiences teaching her Organic SEO seminar as well as hanging with the Radio Dentata gang poolside at the Splash Bar. Then Lisa and Ralph discuss how Adult Webmasters need to be informed consumers when they are looking for an online marketing provider and what online marketing service providers expect from the consumer. It gets loud, abrupt and yes, the “Jersey Girl” gloves come out in this episode of Sensual SEO.

Tune in now!

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