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Old 08-19-2009, 05:39 PM   #1
adultsitecms is AdultSiteCMS - Build Paysites in minutes!
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Default AdultSiteCMS - the Adult CMS you've been waiting for!

Hello Guys,

I am new on this board and I'd like to introduce myself. I am Adina with AdultDigitalSolutions.

The main product I am promoting is AdultSiteCMS, an easy and affordable CMS.

I am here to answer all your questions regarding this CMS.

Let me tell you something about it:
AdultDigitalSolutions provides development, billing integration and translation services to hundreds of top named adult clients, such as AEBN, Playboy, TopBucks, and many others.

The development on AdultsiteCMS began almost one year ago and since then has gone through almost fifty two (52) revisions before launching with the current 1.21.1 version of AdultsiteCMS.

Here is where you can find the demo:

Please feel free to contact me if you have any question.
E-mail: sales AT aduldigitalsolutions.com

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