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Old 08-20-2009, 07:23 PM   #3
student4ever is Trying to not let life get in the way of life
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This thread is little old and no clue if crash has come back, but given a reply today... I'll dive in...

As was said, ranking for "sex toys" is going to be a major effort - it's going to be pretty competitive for that particular two word phrase. You can use tools like WordTrackers free keywords tool and Google adwords tools to find possible keywords that would match your content.

Once you've got some good keywords identified, you'll want some inbound links using those keywords, preferably going to pages using the specific keywords. Someplace... I've got a blog post about this stuff...

One good way to get inbound links, based on your keywords is to visit the site in my sig - Adult Articles. You can write articles about your site, products, etc.. and get two keyword links in the article body and two more in a resources section. We're finding people getting traffic from articles in 1-2 weeks and a couple of them are ranking for good keywords already.

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