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Old 08-31-2009, 09:10 AM   #5
TheLegacy is Bi - Sexy
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If it was mandatory then there would be a direct difference between amateur and professional porn which will show up in sales. A great deal of CC holders do like to watch sex without condoms so they will likely lean towards the amateur.

I wonder if the whole condom on condom off idea came from porn in the first place since when men watched it thinking, "this is how it's done".. never saw condoms. I remember a similar situation back in the 70's when they tries to retrain everyone to start wearing seat belts. Took many years but eventually now 90% and more do. Same holds true with condoms - will take many years and more stories of people getting sick because of social diseases before guys and girls wake up

- OR we simply shoot a lot more blowjob/handjob scenes

Skype: robjameswarren

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