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Old 09-03-2009, 09:34 PM   #1
Peedy is blocking cock
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Default Wordpress MU with Domain Mapping

Many of us use Wordpress for our blogs. This eventually leads to many many wordpress installations. This can be an administrative nightmare because of the the frequent security patches and general updates to the wordpress code. We all know how important it is to keep up to date and the problems that happen when you don't.

Wordpress MU which is the multi-blog version is supposed to to resolve this however it only works in two ways.

Subdomain mode:


Subfolder mode:


For many of us we want to use multiple domains with our blogs so and you can forward a domain but this isn't ideal. I've come across two plugins that allow MPMU to work with multiple domains through "domain mapping".

FREE Plugin - http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/...omain-mapping/

The free plugin only works if WPMU is in subdomain mode.

Paid Plugin ($15) - http://wpmututorials.com/simple-mult...plugin-e-book/

this actually allows you to run multiple WPMU's with one install and works in subdomain and subfolder modes. I emailed the author to ask how it was better and different and this was the reply.

Here's what ours does:
- the domain mapping menu is under site admin, not available to users
- you can add a domain to subdirectory blogs. With the other one, you can;t do this.
- you can map a domain from the main blog, you don't need to go to the backend of the blog you want to map
- it also changes internal links to things like photos and permalinks to other entries on that blog.

Remote login not supported means, you have to log in to each mapped domain, you can't be logged in to one to get logged in to all of them.

This has me very excited because now I can run many blogs with custom domains with one install thus lowering admin overhead a great deal.

Hope you guys find this useful.
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