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Old 01-08-2003, 10:01 AM   #4
pink_in_the_middle should edit this
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Hungry please don't give me this bullshit. I'm not one of your "bitches".
You outsourced work from LocalG to Kelly when you knew FULL WELL that you didn't have the cash. You take 50%(brokers fee) and yet that wasn't enough,you have to dip into Kelly's money. You're a month late Hungry and it's time you pay.

Don't go blabbing this "personal vendetta" shit with me. You know full well that you,Kelly and I were kool UNTIL you decided not to pay him what he worked hard for. I've spoken with you and never have any problem with you. Don't call me sad Hungry. The only thing thats sad here is how you treat your designers.
If you want to play dirty Hungry I'm all for it

Hungryman you must be fucking loopie if you think I'm worried about competition between you and Kel. LMFO You and I both know Kelly does a great job with his work and ppl respect him. He give ppl what they pay for and more. The really sad thing is that you try and turn this around on me...it's not going to work Hungry!

So hungry what do you think Kelly should have done??? Waited another month to be paid and continue doing work for you???
You fucking used him!!
Like I said you wanna play dirty, I'm all up for it.

This is business HM you and I both know that don't try and play me as the bad guy.
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