Originally posted by Sly
Whether someone does or doesn't get paid may not be your business, but wouldn't it be nice to know about companies that don't follow through with their intentions and such?
If you find out some sponsor doesn't pay, what do you do?
I tell my friends... what kind of friend doesn't warn others?
This girl isn't my friend. She's the girlfriend of the one that hasn't been paid.
Signing up to a board for the sole purpose of raising shit and attacking someone on behalf of another person is fucking lame. Especially when it's already a dead issue that everyone knows about. If Kelly wants to raise shit here let him cuz he's the affected party. But how is his girlfriend going around trying to put Paul out of business on every frigging board out there supposed to help Kelly get paid? Shit. Even Hungry has acknowledged that he owes the cash. So what's the point?
Like I said: Leave GFY shit on GFY. If one of my friends came to me whining about how someone else didn't get paid by someone and it's on some other board and I better read it for myself cuz it's real important I'd tell him to STFU.
And equating this with a deadbeat sponsor program that doesn't pay just doesn't cut it. It's 2 entirely different situations.