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Old 09-23-2009, 03:33 PM   #2
dyonisus is Supreme Soul Rider
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There is always a reason for someone who abuses or is abusing drugs and alcohol to the detriment of their life. If you read the excerpt correctly, the night before her wedding she was in a drug haze and "passed out on Dad's bed". (suggesting the "known" first encounter was probably not consensual) It was not until later she confesses it became consensual.

"new level of sick to this family" suggest she is like Scott Peterson, Jeffrey Dahmer or the likes. How about sympathy for a 49 yr old woman who has lived with the shame and guilt of her past, a past filled w/ a sick level of abuse at the hands of a man she probably worshiped as a child.

It is sad that as a people we glorify others tragedies, specifically those of celebrities. People in the spotlight can suffer horrific lives just as much as anyone can. They are also subject to way more judgment and scrutiny then the average Joe.

In this instance her father should be labelled the sick one and hopefully by her finally finding the courage to speak out after 30 yrs, she is helping herself heal and encouraging others who faced similar abuse to find their inner strength.
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