Originally posted by luke
Nice. Sounds pretty BLING BLING! haha
not really, it looked nice but wasn't rollin on 24" chromes. The momo's were nickel plated, got them for 800 (all 4) from a friend. At the time I was working as a car stereo installer/tint person so I got a 6k system for a little over 3k installed obviously for free by myself and some friends.
Once it was all hooked up I started having probs with it left and right, trannie blew out, 2 clutches in 6 months (yes I KNOW how to drive a stick lol) radiator cracked, countless batteries and alternators. Starter lol, the 3rd time my clutch blew I just said screw it, traded it in for a 95 eagle talon, brand spankin new. 2 weeks after I bought it I hit a deer at 65 mph and totalled the car.
Basically why I dont have a car now. I've had 5 and had HORRID luck with all of them. I almost refuse to buy a car until I can afford to buy a benz or a porsche. I live close enuff to everything not to need a car anyway. Just bought me some phatty 2003 Nike Turbo's