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Thread: Thursday Three
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Old 10-01-2009, 10:58 AM   #1
Cyndalie is not it.
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Default Thursday Three

1. What is something (seemingly minor) that can completely set you off or ruin your day?

2. What was your favorite/best Halloween costume you dressed up in when you were a kid?

3. Will you be cutting back this Christmas/Holiday season on gifts and travel?


1. What is something (seemingly minor) that can completely set you off or ruin your day?
Waking up on a thursday and thinking it's friday...and then realizing it as you head to work that you are still a day away.

2. What was your favorite/best Halloween costume you dressed up in when you were a kid?
Little Bo Peep

3. Will you be cutting back this Christmas/Holiday season on gifts and travel?
Yes, definitely. I hope to travel back to FL for my baby's 2nd b-day, so we'll be saving up for that.

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