Honestly I would be surprised if they did take any money. Most who advertise by skinning on GFY usually do it for one a week, if any longer then GFY does have right to pull add if it's illegal - but never has the right to pull it because people just don't like it.
I feel there is something behind the scene - tube sites got their advertising dollars out of it because now everyone is speaking of them, and GFY get's cudo's for possibly faking a turn down - win, win.
So what is going to happen? Tube sites still hated, GFY get's it's posters back and shortly another drama will happen when everyone will forget until someone else pulls the same thing. Keep in mind that if rumors are true, GFY may be trying to sell and needed the fast money and hits to "prove" that they can increase traffic and advertising to some company who doesn't fully understand the process.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say;
fools, because they have to say something." - Plato