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Thread: Thursday Three
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Old 10-01-2009, 02:50 PM   #4
Rochard should edit this
Funbrunette's BITCH!!!
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1. What is something (seemingly minor) that can completely set you off or ruin your day?
Nothing. I am like a rock. I'm a good mood no matter what. The other day I was backing my car out of the garage - and I love my car - and it scraped the second, smaller garage. I could have let this destroy my day but it didn't.

2. What was your favorite/best Halloween costume you dressed up in when you were a kid?
Soup can. It was this light metal barrel we painted up to be like a can of soup. It was kind of goofy, but original.

3. Will you be cutting back this Christmas/Holiday season on gifts and travel?
Every year we travel down to Socal to spend it with my wife's parents. We make this trip a number of times a year. It's cheap for us, maybe $100 in gas. As for gifts, the entire family has trimmed down and promised "no big gifts" the past few years. My daughter, being the youngest, still gets spoiled, however.
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