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Old 10-03-2009, 12:58 AM   #1
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Lightbulb ALT.com has DOUBLE PAYOUTS for October!!

ALT.com has DOUBLE PAYOUTS for October AND $100k bonus

Our Goal: To pay out over $100,000 in BONUS MONEY in October!!

Double Your Payments with ALT.com

ALT.com is FriendFinder Network's Fetish and alternative lifestyle dating site. It is a completley separate database from AFF or our other dating sites, so your members won't find double accounts (unless of course, they sign up for multiple sites!) If you have kinky fetish traffic that wants to hook up with like-minded horny people, send them to ALT.com! We're doubling our payouts for the month of October!

If you want to find out more information about this special, please contact your Affiliate Manager. If you don't have one yet, just post your gid in this thread and one of us will contact you shortly!! Don't let this opportunity slip by!

For more info on making money with ALT.com, click here!

Earn 100% with GetItOn.com

GetItON.com is our newest dating site! We're trying to top our July's bonus payments when we doubled GetItOn.com's payouts! So for this month, we're paying out 100% (that's ONE HUNDRED PERCENT) on initial orders PLUS 55% on renewals!! There's no need to fill out another affiliate form; just use your current GID and start promoting today!

For more info on making money with GetItOn.com, click here!

MORE Double Payouts at HotBox.com!

HotBox.com is our VOD site that's already selling like hotcakes (and trust me, people LOVE hotcakes!) Qualifying for HotBox.com's double payouts in October is easy! Just maintain your GPID traffic and earnings levels compared to the average of your last two-month period, and you’ll receive double your payout for the month of October! All qualified affiliates are eligible, regardless of plan type. So ramp up your traffic and stay ahead of your past earnings!

Contact your Affiliate Manager today for more details on this limited time offer on Hotbox. Don't miss out, affiliates participating in our payouts bonus for this month will be bringing home the big bucks!

For more info on making money with HotBox.com, click here!

AND a 10% Bonus!!

Just to top off the excitement, we're offering a 10% bonus if you beat your best month's earnings (of the last six months) by 5%! This is automatically credited to your account, there's nothing more for you to do except send your surfers our way!

If you have any questions, please contact your affiliate manager or you can find Sagi at icq #348950862 or Sean (Irish Pimp) at icq #147498861 or aim salesstreamray, or myself at icq# 8526983 yahoo# streamrayelli.

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email me!
icq: 8526983 yahoo: streamrayelli
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