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Old 10-05-2009, 12:12 PM   #8
Rochard should edit this
Funbrunette's BITCH!!!
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Okay, I missed this thread somehow. This weekend was "fix the car weekend".

My wife's truck has 90k miles on it, has been running rough, and the "check engine" light came on last week. So we put that into the shop all day Saturday. Got the truck back, ran great, until Sunday morning when it started to run rough at idle. Bummer. This morning the "check engine" light came back on, so it's going back into the shop shortly. I also wanted to put new tires on the car, but didn't have time.

My Cobra also went into the shop. It had a problem shifting; It's a stick and it was "difficult" to put into first, second, and reverse. Did some research and the most likely solution was to change the transmission fluid. So we did that and a minor tune up, changed the oil, great. Need new tires on this car too.

The problem is getting the cars into the shop for an entire day. During the week we are busy from 6am until 8pm, and need both cars on and off during the day. Saturdays we can live with one car. Not sure what we are going to do with the truck and how we are going to get it into the shop during the week. Getting it into the shop is one thing, but picking it up is another thing - It's difficult for us to get to the service department before they close at 7pm.
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