01-09-2003, 11:59 AM
is Travelling the
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Montreal
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Originally posted by pink_in_the_middle
Excuse me? I didn't sign up here for the soul purpose to raise shit.
Check yourself please.
Secondly,it's not a dead issue. Yes Hungry knows he owes money to Kelly,but it's not very hard to know that. It's the whole part of knowing and doing thats hard. I postsed here knowing full well what I was doing,I'm not stupid. No I didn't want to start shit so please don't play that shit.
The fact is that Hungry knew full well that he didn't have Kelly's money when he had asked him to do work for him.He took his 50% cut plus Kelly's. The reason why I'm posting and nto Kelly is because Kelly doesn't surf the boards as much as I do. He's busy working and I have a bit more timeon my hands. When someone messes with my bf it's messing with me.
I also brought it here and on a few other boards because I wanted ppl to know what was going on,so if they decided to work with Hungry they would know. Just like Sly said "Whether someone does or doesn't get paid may not be your business, but wouldn't it be nice to know about companies that don't follow through with their intentions and such?
If you find out some sponsor doesn't pay, what do you do?
I tell my friends... what kind of friend doesn't warn others?"
I think it's everyones responsibility to "warn" others about crooked ethics.
Kelly,Hungry and I are "friends". Hungry calls Kelly all the time to chat it up. We've never had any other issues with him other then this. He's a good guy but his working habbits are for the dogs.