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Better Stats Tracking with AFF Optimized Landing Pages!
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10-28-2009, 09:53 PM
should edit this
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Vancouver, BC
Posts: 97
Better Stats Tracking with AFF Optimized Landing Pages!
Better Stats Tracking with AFF Optimized Landing Pages!
Adult Friend Finder
has made making dating money even easier for you! We've included Optimized Landing Pages for you to customize to your heart's content! Now you'll be able to see in a few seconds
which pages convert best with YOUR traffic
. Click the "Optimise Landing Pages" link in the top menu bar of the affiliates area!
You can use the optimizing tool on all of your AFF pids or you can select speicifc pids and even subpids to customize. We will even optimize your landing pages FOR YOU with our best converting tools or you can do your own optimization tweaks on the pages you've chosen.
Once you have set up a new group, the sample url will be shown to you. It is our standard adultfriendfinder.com/go/gpid link.
You will be able to check the stats for a specific date range as well as the conversion rate for the LPO group through this interface. Clicks & members are also part of the daily total in the affiliate stats report.
If you already have an affiliate account with AFF or any of our Various sites, then definitely give this tool a close look! If not, you could be letting money slip through your fingers!
Convert those clicks by optimizing your traffic!
Click Here to get started now!
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