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Old 11-09-2009, 11:10 AM   #12
MediaGuy is looking to get webmasters nekkid for his calendar.
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I took the kids to the Haunted House and watch the Halloween parade in St-Sauveur, which was a pretty cool event.

The trick-or-treating was weird though, kinda "industrial". It's a big tourist town and the whole place is basically an outdoor mall, lots of shops and stores and restos... so instead of doing house-to-house, the kids just line-up at one shop, get candy, then go off to the next line-up, up one side and down the other side of the street. Then, they're done... weird.

Low candy harvest too...

Next year we'll stick to Montreal, house to house...

BTW I was a zombie with a mauled face (pretty gory), and the kids were a she-devil and a vampiress.

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