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Old 11-16-2009, 07:26 AM   #8
Funbrunette is Travelling the world!
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Originally Posted by jhon doe View Post
I have a different take on this when I was a child I was of relativity normal health no food allergy or anything . I received a flue shot because the medical establishment told my mother she had to get me immunized end result was I got a high fever which according to the united nations was a rare side effect of having the flue shot . but they had deemed it an aceptible risk . End result I ended up having a life threatening peanut allergy among other things which developed right after the flue shot . So in answer to your question no I am not worried about H1N1 and I am NOT getting another flue shot. Sorry I just don't trust the government.

not into having people stick me with needles full of god knows what. That I know is going to make me sick just because they tell me I need to get it done .
Not the first time I hear stories like that...I usually don't get the flu shot either, I'm just more concerned about my son. I've been going back and forth asking my pediatrician for his professional opinion and trying to get as much information as possible. But we all know there is so much misinformation out there.

In the mean time I've stuck two bottles of hand sanitizers in his school bag!
Stephanie (Funbrunette)
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