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Old 11-17-2009, 06:40 PM   #11
MediaGuy is looking to get webmasters nekkid for his calendar.
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The real pandemic is the fear spreading everywhere to everyone.

Even if the swine flu spreads far and wide, stats show it doesn't kill as many people as the regular flu.

The vaccine is looking like the potential danger in all this. I won't get my kids done, that's for sure.

Even the regular flu shot is a sham. In '97, they got it wrong... not a little wrong, they were way off. And as a consequence no one on Earth got a flu shot that year.

Were there more cases of the flu? No. Were there more deaths? No. In some cases less serious tolls of flu were reported.



And it wouldn't be the first time they fast-track a vaccine and kill or damage people.

The consequences of getting the swine flu are about the same or less than the regular flue, and allow you to build up natural antibodies, not temporary adjuvant-boosted reactions to weakened or dead antigens...

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