Originally Posted by Magnus3x
Everyone should stop jumping on both sides of the hype and make the decisions that is best for you and your family if you have one.
I'm just as sick of the conspiracy theorists as I am of the media hype. If you are not a Doctor or a immunization specialist and found all your anti vaccine info from the web, from your friends over beers or from Jim Carry and Jenny McCarthy then I don't think you can have an expert opinion.
2000 people a year die of regular influenza, they don't make the front page of the news. Neither do those adversely affected by immunizations, so that number must be equally as low if no t lower.
Funny I listened to two women go on and on about how the Government wants us to get sick, they made up swine flu just to sell a new vaccine, all the while they were puffing away on Cigs, the healthy alternative.
Very well put. I agree it's a personal choice.
Koudos on the two women puffing away on smokes...lol