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Old 11-23-2009, 07:16 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by jhon doe View Post

I am little more concerned about getting Herpes than HIV. And yes I always put on a condom. I even have nytrol gloves. So that there is no skin-to-skin contact when I am using my fingers to penetrate a woman’s vagina. I take these precautions not only because I don’t want to get anything. But I do not want to pass anything along to my sex partner.

My sex experience so far not counting kisses I have had my penis in only 3 woman's vagina's all three I used a condom. I did have one blow job without a condom when I lost my virginity. Recently I'm 45 apparently my penis taste like mint. I think the reason for this may have to do with the gold bond skin cream I was using. Or the gum I was chewing before the sex happened .

If your interested the details are here http://bbs.livecamnetwork.com/BBS/showthread.php?t=7440

And here

The thing is I had a very close relative pass away recently not of HIV but of cancer. This person was very careful all their life. Did not drink alcohol did not smoke. I honestly think they married the person they lost their virginity to. They had the chance to take the risky operation for the cancer. But they did not want to take the risk. Look life is short now obviously using common sense. Take precautions. but all of life is risky we are all some day going to die.

Also the way I look at sex it’s a skill that you have to learn. Like cooking your not going to get it perfect. The first time gradually you learn to how to cook. Different recipes you learn what types of dishes different women like. Or if you prefer another analogy its like Learning to operate the rides in an amusement park. Some women will want to ride the roller costar and others will want something a little bit tamer like the ferries wheel. I am trying to learn to be a better lover and the only way to learn is practice practice.

Say What?!?
Stephanie (Funbrunette)
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