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Old 11-23-2009, 11:11 AM   #1
AdultB2B is your marketing gun for hire
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Default Money Making Tactics - Adult B2B Marketing Tip


By now all of you should be somewhat familiar with the distinction between the strategic and tactical components of marketing.

Here is the basic structure for coming up with money making tactical marketing:

• Establish who is the target; who is it that is getting the stuff?

• Find out where the target typically reviews the marketing.

• Determine your best point of contact.

• Find out what form other companies are using to market.

Now let me get to the details.

Point #1: Establish who is the target; who is it that is getting the stuff? The most important point is you must know who it is you are going after. Both the strategic message and the tactical plan depend upon this. I promise you, without this information you will fail – every single time. You can find out who they are by asking about:

• Hobbies

• Their typical schedule; work; play.

• Generational difference

• All that demographic stuff: age, gender, region, income.

• The car they drive.

• Where they typically work.

• What types of neighborhoods they live in.

• Their level of education.

• Do they generally have kids?

This list can go on and on. Point is you need to know down to the finest detail that you can reasonably gather who it is that the marketing is going to. The first step in seeing through John Smith’s eyes is finding out who he is.

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