Originally Posted by rhetorical
This is so freeking dumb it has to be a joke. No one can lack social skills of this magnitude.
I don't know what you think is dumb rhetorical that I would say personal info on a Board for webmasters in the porn industry or that I lack social skills to such an extent that I have only had sex with 3 women at age 45. I suspect both anyway its %100 true .I am a complete social retard. Though I am trying to change and have had some success. Hey I finally had sex with a woman and not my hand yea me

. Not to put Marks business down but I would say I suspect that I am typical of his customer base.
One of Marks customers is an unemployed virgin in his 20’s. At least that’s what he says on his profile. But lets forget about me people and get back to the topic at hand (I should have just said no I am more concerned about herpes and left it at that) oh and I think I will stop replying on this bord as I have been infromed by
Mr prince. Has informed me that this board is for pron industry people only.. and Unless I get a female web cam partner for me to demo.( how to give women full body orgasms). Which it is unlikely given my poor social skills I will probably not be involved in the industry therefore no reason for me to be posting here .
lets get back to the original topic at hand
anybody else concerned about HIV?