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Old 11-29-2009, 05:04 PM   #15
Feynman should edit this
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Hi guys! how many years haven't I logged on in here? Dunno...

Hi Chris, do you still live at the same place? Hi Rochard!

I always hated with a passion the associate programs. They are way too expensive, steal from your product innovation budget, from your product and client's experience quality budget and are generally fostering a class of businesspeople that operate on a quasi-parasitic mode, producing nothing. It came to be because those parasites highjacking search engine traffic ended up doing better than the producers themselves. Without affiliates, producers could have afforded, gradually, to sell their own stuff by themselves. But once the market gets invaded by parasites, you have no choice to adopt the same tactics. It shifts the business focus from actual value-added production to zero value-added raider-type business. Sure, the affiliate marketers are producing economic activity, but they're akin tax accountants: said economic activity would never exist without the parasites getting a free ride.

Anyhow, I delivered that rant years ago, and here I am again, skipping like an old scratched vinyl.

BTW, I still haven't bothered to sell my Angeltease.com content, I had bigger cats to skin. It's still online, but with subscription suspended, site not updated for maybe five years . I have, from the top of my head, maybe 55 photo sets and a dozen videos, a third of which were never put online. I was doing weekly updates, which was cool in those days, but way to little for today's update schedules, it seems.
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