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Old 12-08-2009, 04:24 PM   #1
J-SiN should edit this
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Default RedTube Continues To Feel Asskicking


Rhett Pardon feels the remorse of RedTube as their legal woes continue in his article. Detectives have found the IP address where the hacker redirected RedTube traffic last July. The bad news? The owner of the computer wasn't the perp. According to reports, the real culprit downloaded malicious software from another computer and used the other computer to pluck the DNS of the RedTube site to divert its traffic elsewhere. The authorities have yet to find any real leads to the identity of the RedTube hackers.

The hackers are good. So good that they're making RedTube the laughing stock of the industry. The search continues.

Incidentally, the HongKong parent company is also suing the hackers for $6 million. That is, if they ever find who they are suing.
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