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Old 12-17-2009, 10:29 AM   #1
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Default Tokyo man marries video game character


Tokyo, Japan (CNN) -- Nene Anegasaki is a witty, doe-eyed beauty. She looks perfectly perky in sexy skirts, doesn't pick fights and is always at one Tokyo man's beck and call -- that is why the 27-year-old decided to marry her.
The only complication: She is a videogame character in the Nintendo DS game called "Love Plus."

Still, that didn't stop Sal 9000 -- the only name the groom would give -- from marrying Nene in a ceremony witnessed live by thousands on the Web.
When asked if Nene is his dream woman, Sal replied, "Yes, she is. Her character changes to my liking as we talk and travel to different places."

Ok, so obviously relationships and women / men have come to this. He is unfulfilled by any women today and one of the main reasons why he wants to marry this avatar???

Here are some highlights

Nene Anegasaki is a witty, doe-eyed beauty. She looks perfectly perky in sexy skirts, doesn't pick fights and is always at one Tokyo man's beck and call -- that is why the 27-year-old decided to marry her.

Sal says Nene is better than a human girlfriend. "She doesn't get angry if I'm late in replying to her. Well, she gets angry, but she forgives me quickly."

"Today's Japanese youth can't express their true feelings in reality. They can only do it in the virtual world," Ashizaki said. "It's the reverse of reality that they can only talk about what they feel to a friend in the virtual world."


So she dresses nicely/seductively for her man - she rarely picks a fight over small stupid things - forgives quickly and allows him to express his feelings without criticism which he does as well for her. Also he in turn spends time with her, listens and recognizes the small things she does along with appreciates her - takes her out, treats her like royalty and sacrifices for her even to the point of world criticism over marriage - he'll do it to show his heart. They are equal to each other in love... both sacrificing and caring for the needs and heart of the other.

Oprah would be proud as most marriage counselors - and would be great advice to anyone to treat their partner with respect, love and forgiveness because one thing is for sure - if she ever cheated behind his back or lied to him about who she really is (like secretly a Disney character rip off) - Nintendo DS has a major divorce suit on their hands LOL

Skype: robjameswarren

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fools, because they have to say something." - Plato
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