Originally Posted by Vid Vicious
you might not see it as art .. Mainly cus your Vanilla .. Fetishists and sadist however do see it as art .. I've posted this on Fetish sites and they all loved it ..
you tend to generalize your posts ... not everyone thinks like you, An opion is just that an opinion not a fact ... .. nor is everyone vanilla .. 
Dude, You are vanilla. That piccie was vanilla. No offense. But I have been around that block many times to know. I think maybe you "think" you get it. I lived it long enough to know what you call fetish was not for me. When you see the real deal and the blood splattering and the needle play up close and personal, you might have a better idea. I run fetish sites of my own and have done since before you were in the biz I believe.
You need an education on what fetish is.
Really, no offense, just my opinion having seen your work.
High contrast lighting do not make art. If you want an education in art, perhaps you should study Helmut Newton who is the master of what you are trying to achieve. In our little world of porn, you may stand out. But you and I know the real world.
edit: Its art when the non fetishists love it. Fetishists love jack off material.