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Old 12-28-2009, 12:09 PM   #11
Danny is turning Japanese, I really think so
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There are still loads of Amateur Adult websites around, but they just no longer have the notoriety or exposure that they once enjoyed. We still get hit up daily by average women looking to start a personal site, but we are honest with them and do tell them it's difficult to make real money these days.

There are Amateurs still doing very well. An example is http://www.wifecrazy.com She converts and retains amazing well, better than any site I've seen in years. It's just her and her husband doing everything without help from anyone else. We just do the hosting and billing for them, they take care of everything else.

Many Amateurs have affiliate programs that work very well, at least for us. The problem is that most Adult webmasters just disregard these programs these days and stick with the big, oversaturated ones instead (for reasons I never understood). True Amateur websites have always been popular as the members think of these women as attainable, unlike a young solo-girl model.
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