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Old 01-04-2010, 09:47 AM   #1
J-SiN should edit this
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Thumbs down You Now Can't Surf For Internet Porn In India


World governments' wave of porn censorship continues. This time it's in India. Sue Denim writes an article about an amendment of their Information Technology Act that prohibits the publication of sexually explicit material in newsstands and in the Internet. The Act also enables governments to regulate and control search engines, internet service providers, internet cafés or other service providers. Because of this, Bing and Yahoo followed suit by disabling the option to switch off the safe mode settings in all Indian territories. It doesn't say whether this amendment is a knee jerk reaction from what China, Singapore, Hong Kong and Australia had done in recent weeks, or an appeasement to uplift public morals in the country.

If this bit of news doesn't alarm you, you should be. The industry has cemented strong partnerships with Indian companies for outsourcing. We rely for them not just for mundane tasks but they also perform operations related to finances, product production and other significant aspects of our businesses. If their government continues to further their stand against pornography, these can greatly destabilize our system. India can surely disable the industry as we know it.
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