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Old 01-07-2010, 01:46 PM   #1
J-SiN should edit this
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Default Bogus Facebook Cause Group Links To Malware-Ridden Pornsite


Be careful of what Facebook cause you join in to because it might just ruin your computer. There's a new group cause that supposedly advertises that Facebook will start charging money. Curious, you would most likely click it. As it turns out in Tom Hymes' article, what you get is a vicious malware attack that hijacks your browser besides leading you to a site that flashes unauthorized assortment of porn images.

What's really annoying here is that unauthorized porn content has yet again been used to help spread malware and all sorts of nastiness. No wonder our industry has bad rep. No matter how well we try clean our noses, there will most likely be a moronic outsider who ruins it for everyone. It is so easy for some asshole to drag us into the mud, and make us pay for all their shenanigans. We should do something.
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