There are a few people who would have been great to see that aren't but overall it's a damn good cast.
Cast says why they will win and Probst gives his thoughts on their chances.,,20334778,00.html
Dalton Ross, the best Survivor recapper on the net, gives his thoughts and does a bunch of interviews
Better video for the interviews...
I've just got to say that I don't think there is a hotter woman on the planet than Parvati Shallow!! While in a game for a million bucks there isn't a woman on the planet that could distract me like she always does with the men that woman would come the closest. LOL That smile and cute face, outside of a game, would just make me stupid. LOL
Anyways.... my favorites for the men are Russell, Tom and Boston Rob. For the women Parvati, Amanda (played twice and never voted out) and Stephanie.
Male darkhorse: Colby
Female darkhorse Cirie
I'm pretty disappointed Yul Kwan didn't join the cast.
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