Hahahahaha.. the heroes are falling apart at the seams.. lol.. man that is one dysfunctional team. :>))
REALLY dumb move to get rid of Stephanie. I'm always sad to see a beautiful woman get voted off but they lost their best physical female player. Really stupid move. Again, Cirie should have been the choice as she's not a big challenge help in either the puzzle or physical parts. The strength of her game is totally social strategics by manipulating others. Outside of that she is worthless.
And James.. man that guy is losing it. Roid rage anyone? Looks like he goes nuclear next week. Rupert and James are two of the slowest minded competitors in the history of Survivor and I can't believe that a smart player, though horrible tribal council speaker, like Amanda is taking their lea from those two buffoons. On a side note Amber looks super hot in glasses.
As to Parvati Chris.. how can any man not like that woman? Irresistable.. lol
Also.. I highly suggest every friday that people read the episode recaps and the Jeff Probt blog at EW.com. Great insights into the game and good humorous reading as well.
Here's this weeks.
Episode recap
Probst blog
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