Oh man.. that was a GREAT episode of Survivor last night. So many great moments. Coach going nuts thinking he won and then flipping off Probst when he found out he didn't, Amber surprisingly beating Danielle in the challenge, James again showing what a classless asshole he is after beating Randy, a blowout challenge and hot girls getting thrown in mud, Russell hiding the machete and the look on Probst and the other Survivors faces when they told him it "grew legs and walked away from camp" at tribal Council. But the best thing of the episode was everyone on the villians tribe saying how dangerous Parvati is and then still letting her stay while not a single person voted for her even after they showed how scared shitless they are of her. Oh, and those beach shots of her were SOOOO hot. Also, this episode was the first time I realized how massive Danielle's chest really is. LOL That lucky bastard Russell is sleeping nice and snugly with those two at night. :>)
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