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Old 03-15-2010, 10:53 AM   #1
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Post New link-trade service launched

Dear webmasters,
Everyone is perfectly aware of the importance link trades have for search engine optimization.
For you to find traders more conveniently we launched a new service to search for link trades – TradeMachine.net
Advantages of the service:
- site catalog is divided by niches and you can select up to 3 niches when adding a certain website;
- page rank, number of back links, and Alexa rank are displayed next to every site for more convenient selection;
- semi-automatic trade mode: you choose trade scheme and websites, sending this information to the trader. He can accept, decline or edit the trade sending it back to you. The trade “travels” between the traders until it has been declined or accepted by either of the parties;
- automatic script every 24 hours checking for presence of links set up for trades;
- if necessary – new niches added promptly and help of efficient support service available.
There are just a few sites to start with, but every effort is made for the database to grow quickly.
Sincerely wishing you good traders and high search rankings!
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via support@trademachine.net
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