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Old 03-19-2010, 02:54 PM   #1
2MuchMark is hiring
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Default Montreal adult webmasters: Want luxury office space, cheap?

Hi Everyone,

Right now we're considering moving out of our residential loft into some really nice office space on the 16th floor of a downtown Montreal office building, and we're looking for others who may want to sub let some of the extra offices from us.

We would be using our space for programming and IT, Technical support, adult chat studios, etc. We're looking to rent to others in a complimentary business to ours. such as photographers, web designers, programmers, traffic and SEO, billing, etc.

The office space includes:

- 16 stories up.
- Private offices with locks for each
- Large windows, nice views of downtown.
- AC, Heating, Electricity
- Cat5 Ethernet
- Internet
- Reception area
- Large board room / meeting room / photo studio
- Security guard in lobby
- Indoor Parking available
- 24/7 access.

The space is great for meeting potential new clients, interviewing models, and getting work done. All floors are carpeted and everything seems very well sound proofed. The atmosphere is corporate but fun, pro and relaxed at the same time. In short, it's a great space.

If you're a work-at home person or are growing tired of your current work space and would like an environment more conducive to Making Money, hit me up on ICQ at 322403761, or give me a call at 866 892 5122, Ext #1 and lets talk.
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