Ugh let the pissing begin, I make one comment about the yellow tooth wig wearing old hag on another board a while ago and you all of a sudden have a hard on for me, okidoki I'll play...
Originally Posted by rhetorical
I can tell you what I do....I produce websites that do well.
First off I didn't ask what you do because really I don't care what you do or how much you make. Secondly I can tell from the "Business is so bad" thread you posted that you do real well.
Originally Posted by rhetorical
So, what is it exactly that you do? The sites in your sig are kinda old. Hell Julie Jolie hasn't been in the biz for years. So, dish, big Kenny, What is your real job?
Julie Jolie? She was a nice gal, always so friendly. She left the biz about 5 years ago if I remember correctly. It was shortly after that the owner of her site started shooting other models for Montreal Dream and made it into a multi-model site then added it to my network.
By choosing Julie of all models you obviously have no clue who I am or what I do. All you need to know is I do my thing, make my living and enjoy my life.
Work wise it makes no difference what I do because I have zero interest in doing in doing business with you.
If you need me to reverse those late charges on your recent rentals let me know, I don't mind using my assistant manager privileges to help a friend. My shift at blockbuster starts soon so I have to run!