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Old 04-09-2010, 06:53 AM   #2
trademachine should edit this
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Dear webmasters,

We are glad to inform you of the following changes and improvements in the TradeMachnie.net service:

1. You can indicate the anchor manually. When a trade is being effectuated, the anchor is by default taken from your page TITLE. Now you can change it manually.

2. You can't create a duplicate of a trade that's already in process - this is being monitored.

3. Due to your numerous requests instead of getting a letter about each new trade or incoming message, all the system users receive a letter once every 24 hours where all the actions are described in detail: trades requests, incoming messages and so on.

4. Approval/decline of multiple trade requests has been introduced.

5. A black list has appeared. If you move the webmaster to the black list, you will not be getting any letters of requests from them. You can remove someone from the black list by pressing a single button.
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