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Old 04-15-2010, 05:08 PM   #1
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Default [PR] Michael P launches Webmasters Roulette

Michael P launches Webmasters Roulette
Source: Qwebec Expo
by: Company Press Release


Montreal, Canada April 15th 2010 - Michael P, the promoter of QWEBEC Expo is pleased to announce the launching of WebmastersRoulette.Com.

WEBMASTERSROULETTE is the first live peer to peer video+audio chat site dedicated to Adult Webmasters and Online Adult Professionals, that allows users with broadband connections to Video Chat Live Randomly with Online Adult Professionals from around the world. WebmastersRoulette.Com is dedicated to providing the best quality Webmasters Chat on the web with a personal touch.

The fun part is you never know who you will chat with next, so there is always a chance to find a great opportunity around the corner. Even if there is no business possible there, the users can still aknowledge it was good to meet each others and move on toi the next one. It is like Speed networking without time limit.

Online Adult Industry members can open a free account directly from this page :


Since the site is very new, MichaelP hopes that the community will understand the "The Chicken or The Egg" situation there for the first few days, so new and first members won't expect to find hundreds of people to chat with right away. But with the collaboration of everyone passing the word to Industry Friends, this place will soon become a fun place to hang out.

WebmastersRoulette.Com offers the ability to chat LIVE with webmasters you never met before. Either you are looking for Traffic, trades, content, hosting, anything!

Getting face to face with a potential client or partner is the only way you really know whether you can do business with them or not. Many people tend to gravitate towards those they may already know, never getting the opportunity to meet others who could be great business contacts. But our Speed Networking 2.0 achieves much better results by connecting you randomly with other webmasters that are online at the same moment, so that you are guaranteed to meet a large number of individuals that you would never otherwise have had the chance to network with.

Advertising is also available at the same price philosophy as wih QWEBEC Expo.

For additional information on advertising:

Contact : Michael Plant
Website: www.webmastersroulette.com
E-mail: admin@webmastersroulette.com
Phone: 418-570-7070
ICQ: 139036653

### 10415 ###

Michael P.
CEO - Sponsorship & Exhibit Sales Mgr.
ICQ: 139036653 | SKYPE : michaelqwebec
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