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Old 05-26-2010, 01:30 PM   #1
AdultB2B is your marketing gun for hire
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Default The Blind Leading The Blind (Part 2) - Adult B2B Marketing Tip


So we talked yesterday about Miller Beer realizing that the way they were advertising wasn't working. Here's more on that:

Here is a basic review of how these large firms think your mind works:

• You brain is stimulated with humor, sex, violence, and cleverness.

• You brain stores this info; the bigger the interrupt, the better remembered.

• The better remembered, the bigger the sales.

They believe that memory space translates into dollars. They literally start too far into the process; they would be better served by taking into account the beginning of the buying process. This is what we do. Here is the basic review of how we think the mind works:

• A prospect has a need.

• The prospect develops a hierarchy of what is important.

• The brain automatically seeks information.

• It ranks and categorizes the information.

• The information ranked the highest gets passed onto the consciousness.

• The business that provides the best information gets the sale.

The process is simple and easy to follow. The system results in marketing and advertising that hits the right Hot Buttons, speaks to the consumer in a compelling fashion, and gets the job done. But looking at the end product is no way to understand the system, your competitors might see it, they might mimic it, but they will not understand the principles so the result will be less than perfect.

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