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Thread: Your first car
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Old 09-11-2002, 11:47 PM   #19
Rox should edit this
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1969 Chevy Caprice; it was 10 years old and I bought it for a whopping $150 US. It looked like this, except was brown w/black top & interior.


One night, my friend and I were blasted drunk, and decided that since she was fighting with her boyfriend, and mine was going into the Marines the next day, we were taking a vacation to Florida! It was only a 24-hour drive from Connecticut, after all, and we both had relatives down there. We had $37, a check for $24.50 and the balls that come with the immortality of youth (I was 18, my friend was 17... can you say, "transporting a minor across state lines?").

It was quite an adventure! When we stopped at home to grab some clothes, we inadvertantly took the underwear of everyone in the house, because we just dumped the whole drawer into a bag -- the laundry room was in the cellar, and there was a dresser into which we put all the clean stuff.

We ended up having a 2-week vacation in and around Daytona, but only after running out of gas at a convenience store some 60 miles from where my family lived. The cashier there wouldn't cash our out-of-state check for $24.50 (even after my friend begged, pleaded and tried to convince him that she had a gun in the car -- god, were we nuts or what?); but he was nice enough to give us a ride to my folks' house instead of leaving us stranded in the middle of nowhere. And while we didn't have a gun, we DID have a big butcher knife (two teenaged girls can't travel completely unarmed after all), which my friend had secreted away before we got in the guy's car, just in case he turned out to be a psychopath. The next day, we couldn't find the knife anywhere, and were laughing our asses off imagining what the poor guy must've thought about the two crazy Sicilian chicks he'd been kind enough to help.

Ah, youth...

I ended up selling that car about a year later, when I decided to move back to California. A co-worker gave me $250 for it, so not only was it a fun ride that more than paid for itself in the 2 years I owned it, but it turned a profit, too!

Now my dream ride, that's another story:


I swear I'll have one someday!!!!

edit: WTF, why aren't my image tags working? Everything's set to img ON...

edit2: Ok then, fuck it... IMG hates me, so you'll have to go look at the pix from the links!
~ Rox ~

Last edited by Rox; 09-11-2002 at 11:54 PM.
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