Originally Posted by Evil Chris
So what I said is pretty much the reality, plus what Dan mentioned about certain practices that aren't happening any longer.
How's that bridge workin out for ya? 
Bridge is working fine...want in? Actually, I don't think what you said is reality. Old programs that get old seem to be crashing daily. I guess they all got old at the same time. Now if you believe that, then I can even sell you futures on some hot property near the Everglades.
My prediction is that content will ultimately be king. If you don't or can't produce it, then move on before that big old door slams shut. Or.....figure out a better way to market and sell that. You could listen to that b2b lame-o...but prolly not.
I think the future will be in ad agencies. Just like the straight world. This aff marketing thing is failing badly.
I survive because I produce and maintain exclusive content. Otherwise what do you really have? Its kinda like real estate. It always has value.