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Old 09-01-2010, 09:28 AM   #1
cthulhu_waves should edit this
The Ass Kicker Bitch
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Thumbs up To All WebCam Studios, Increase Your Revenue By Joining With Us!

RIVCams is a five year old adult webcam entertainment company. We may have 5000 attractive girls from all over the world. But the only thing missing are more girls who speak fluent English. We may corner the European market but we are aiming to conquer the US and UK.

We are looking for webcam studios who can partner with us to be aggressive in the English-speaking market. In return, you get 50% revenue from every cam session and other sales revenue from spycam, lingerie and other purchases offered online.

If you are interested to give us a try, send us an email at studio@rivcams.com. We will shortly contact you. If things go well, we can cement a new profitable long-term synergistic partnership.
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