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Old 01-19-2011, 11:58 AM   #1
bonobocash is horny
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Smile XBiz Nominates Bonobo Cash Gay Affiliate Program of the Year

Bonobo Cash, our young but aspiring affiliate program, has been nominated for an XBIZ award this year. Along with 20 other worthy candidates, we have been nominated for Gay Affiliate Program of the Year.

So we’d like to thank all of our affiliates for their participation in our program and their feedback and patience in helping us to make Bonobo Cash worthy of this recognition from Xbiz. We realize that we are not the biggest or the most famous on the list of nominees, but rest assured that our commitment to making Bonobo Cash your favourite affiliate program to work with is second to none.

We hope you’ll let XBiz know how you feel about our program, our customer service and our content. We’re satisfied that on the merits of these three essentials, we can hold our heads up high among the all the other nominees. The little masturbating ape* has come a long way in just 2 years.

* You see technically a Bonobo isn’t a monkey. It’s a member of the ape family, more closely related to humans than monkeys. The constant masturbation is evidence of the close relationship.

Thanks a million guys!
Jeremy Roddick - www.bonobocash.com - ICQ: 375661750 - 1-877-824-7561 ext. 707
Videoboys.com | Squirtz.com | JeremyRoddick.com

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