X Nations - View Single Post - The European Summit, Prague - FREE for AFFILIATES
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Old 05-02-2011, 08:05 AM   #6
TBS_Andreas should edit this
Citizen X
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Spain
Posts: 62
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Between the first 200 people registering for The European Summit in Prague we will be giving away the following prizes worth over 20.000 USD:

2 Nights in The European Summit Event-Hotel Hotel Praha ( http://www.htlpraha.cz ). Valued at 298 Euro. A courtesy of http://www.epgbill.com

A free return flight (up to 200 Euro) to the Summit in Prague for one of the first 100 approved free affiliate pass holders. If your flight costs less that 200 Euro you get the difference in Drink Tickets!!! A courtesy of http://www.B2BFORUM.net

1 Platinum Sponsorship Package for The European Summit. Valued at 7.499 Euro. A courtesy of the http://www.theeuropeansummit.com

1 Full-Page Ad in the September Issue of the F.U.B.A.R. Times. Valued at 1.500 USD. A courtesy of http://www.fubartimes.com

Four 1/3-Page Ads in the August and September 2011 Issues of ClicksMag. Valued at 3.600 USD (8 times 450 USD). A courtesy of http://www.adultweblife.com

1 Full-Page Ad in the September 2011 Issue of Web eLine. Valued at 1.800 Euro. A courtesy of http://www.web-eline.eu

12 times 1 Botifarra Blanca (White Catalan Sausage). A courtesy of www.privatecash.com

3 weeks (3 times 1 week) skins on NALEM. A courtesy of http://www.nalem.com

3 times 1 email blasts to the adult industry list of NALEM. A courtesy of http://www.nalem.com

10 backlink free all time links to a website of your choice (only mainstream target sites!!). A courtesy of http://www.momo-net.ch

10 K of HQ traffic from the country of your choice. A courtesy of http://www.momo-net.ch

Bottle number 8512 of the Bodegas y Viñedoa Alión Ribera del Duero Consecha 2006 red wine. A courtesy of http://www.B2BFORUM.net

One bottle of Bulbash Special - Gold medal at "International Spirit Challenge" 2009 and 2010. A coutresy of http://www.topbucksmobile.com

One free entry pass for the Oktoberfest Gathering in Munich. A courtesy of http://www.oktoberfestgathering.com

A noise cancelling in ear head set. A courtesy of http://www.epoch.com

One bottle of Dom Pérignon and a six-pack of Red Bull!! Courtesy of http://www.sexgoesmobile.com

One bottle of Dom Pérignon and a six-pack of Red Bull!! Courtesy of http://www.sexmoney.com

One bottle of Dom Pérignon and a six-pack of Red Bull!! Courtesy of http://www.px24.com

1 "Austrian Surprise Package". Courtesy of http://www.saboom.com

2x Wiener Schnitzel, 100x Mozartkugeln, 1x Sachertorte, 1x Austrian Schnaps, 1x Austrian Wine". Courtesy of http://www.eurorevenue.com

Your own YNOT Karting team of 4 drivers. Courtesy of http://www.ynotgp.com

10 Rammstein Fan Packages (CDs, T-Shirt, etc.). A courtesy of http://www.visit-x.net

3 Bottles of Rezangyal 55% Palinka (strong spirit). Courtesy of needLIVE http://www.MoneyVerse.com

4 Bottles of Redwine from local vineyards. Courtesy of needLIVE http://www.MoneyVerse.com

2 x Pick Salami (great tasting stuff). Courtesy of needLIVE http://www.MoneyVerse.com
www.theeuropeansummit.com , 22-25 September 2015, Parkhotel Praha, Prague, Czech Republic
www.onlinedatingsummit.com , 08-12 November 2015, Melia Nassau Beach, Bahamas
www.theislandgathering.com , 08-12 November 2015, Melia Nassau Beach, Bahamas
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